The Waterford Library is happy to consider donations of gently used books and audio-visual materials provided these guidelines are followed. NO Encyclopedias, Textbooks, Magazines, Readers Digest Condensed Books or materials in poor condition will be accepted. Donated materials will be first considered for inclusion in the collection; and if not appropriate, then offered for sale in the Library book sale. The library reserves the right to discard donated materials that do not meet the above criteria. While the library is a tax exempt organization, we are unable to provide tax receipts for book donations, beyond a statement on our letterhead. The library requests that anyone interested in making a book or AV material donation contact the library (518-237-0891) in advance, to ensure someone can help with your donation.
The Youth Services section of the Library is currently seeking donations of gently used children’s books to build up the supply for summer reading program gifts. Books may be hardcover or paperback for preschoolers through high school students. Please see the guidelines above for what are considered unacceptable materials. Children’s materials donations will be accepted at the desk in the Children’s Room during regular Library hours .
Memorial Book Fund
The library is accepting monetary donations for the purpose of purchasing materials for the collection in the memory of a loved one. Please contact the Library Director for more information about this program.
Community Outreach Donations
Periodically the Waterford Library serves as a collection point for organizations looking to receive donations. Please check News & Events for the most up to date information on which organizations we are partnering with currently.
Friends of the Waterford Library
People interested in volunteering time to benefit the Waterford Library should consider joining the Friends. Applications to join the Friends are available at the library. Friends meetings are currently on hiatus.