How Many Can I Borrow and for How Long?

Print Materials
New Fiction: 14 Days
New Non-Fiction: 28 Days
Non-new Fiction & Non-Fiction : 28 Days
New is defined as being in the library collection for 6 months or less.
All Juvenile & Young Adult Books: 28 Days
The maximum number of print materials that can be checked out is 50 per card.
AV Materials:
DVDs: 2 Days (“New”), 7 Days (after 1 month)
Audiobooks: 14 Days (“New”), 28 Days (after 6 months)
Music CDs : 14 Days
Downloadable E-Books and Audiobooks via Overdrive, 7 or 14 days as chosen by patron. After expiration date, material will be “returned” automatically. For additional information, please go here.
No more than 2 “New” DVDs and/or 2 DVD Box Set can be checked per card.
Maximum number of AV materials that can be checked out is 25 per card.
Fines for Overdue Materials:
$.50 per day for Music CDs up to a maximum of $10.00, per item
$1.00 per day for DVDs up to a maximum of $10.00, per item
As of January 1, 2019 we no longer charge overdue fines on children’s materials belonging to our library. As of January 2, 2020 we will no longer charge overdue fines on any adult print materials. Materials that are damaged or lost will still be subject to damage or replacement fees as appropriate.
Library Fines may be paid by cash/check at the circulation desk. Due to increased fees and infrequent use, we no longer accept credit/debit cards through our OPAC, or at the circulation desk. We will make every reasonable accommodation to enable patrons to borrow materials, despite existing fines.
For additional information or questions, please visit the library.